Award Winner 2024

Last Day on Earth by Evyn Barron

Best Micro Work Award

The Best Buds Program by Marco Castaneda, Grace McCullar, Creed Butler, Caroline Boland

Micro Work Award of Excellence

Signs of Self by Ethan Bryant

Best Documentary Award

The Mysterious Case of Dan Cooper by Lucas Brown & Jake Jones

Documentary Award of Excellence

That Place You Hate by Evyn Barron

Best Narrative Award

Breathe by Aiyana Williams-Brown

Narrative Award of Excellence

Selective Amnesia by Maxfield Anderson & Marco Castaneda 

Audience Award

1_ Micro Work_Music Video_Can We Dance by Evyn Barron | 03:46 |  Rating: PG

A guy sees a girl at a party, but they are too shy to talk. Until the world stops still and they are dragged together by a mysterious force called “LOVE” and dance.

Evyn J. Barron is an award-winning Director, Cinematographer, and Editor based in Atlanta, GA. Evyn co-founded his production company "Rhude House" in 2023 and he is set to graduate in 2024 from Kennesaw State University with a B.A. in Media & Entertainment. 

With over 8 years in editing experience and 4 years of working behind the camera, Evyn uses his wide range of expertise to carry projects from pre-production all the way to post-production. In 2022, he premiered his first film "Operation: Spam" which he wrote, directed, produced, DP'ed, edited, and animated all by himself. Evyn's "one-man army" mindset makes him a valuable asset for any production it and shows that he will do anything to tell the story.

2_Narrative_I'm A Loser, Baby by Julie Holland | 4:04 | Rating: PG

When Mitch, a guy that hasn't done much since he graduated school realizes his crush is coming back in to town, he realizes that his life isn't all it's cracked up to be. He then devises a plan to make his life more appealing than it is to impress her.

Julie Holland is a third year public relations major at KSU. She has been working in film for going on 4 years. I'm A Loser, Baby is her 2nd short film she has written and directed.

3_Documentary_NEXTERA by Ethan Bryant | 4:59 | Rating: G

The documentary follows Mike and Jess of NEXTERA, a band that tours school nationwide spreading a message of self-worth and positivity. The duo shares their own struggles with bullying and mental health, inspiring students to embrace their own individuality. Through candid speeches and heartfelt songs, the film highlights the transformative power of music, reminding viewers that every person matters, has value, and has purpose. This documentary was made as the final project in KSU's Documentary Filmmaking course.

Ethan Bryant is a filmmaker and graduating Kennesaw State student from Atlanta, Georgia. Growing up, Ethan loved making videos with his friends, sparking his interest in film and storytelling. He began making movies on iMovie, eventually teaching himself to edit on Premiere Pro and DaVinci Resolve. After working as a production assistant on some small indie films, Ethan began pursuing his own projects. Ethan has always enjoyed blending his love for art and music into his projects. Ethan has since worked on several projects, including as producer of a music video for NEXTERA (10,000+ views) and as a writer/producer on the short film 'Unasked Questions.' He recently acted in the short film 'The Human Experience, which won several awards, including Best Film at 54 Film Fest. Ethan hopes to gain more experience in making movies that make a lasting impact on the audience.

4_Narrative_Blanketed by a Mother's Love by Nya Roden | 2:12 | Rating: G

Blanketed by a Mother's Love is a moving Moroccan tale detailing the Nationality code through the eyes of two special kids whom, the code affects.  And how the love of their mother's love them through it all

Nya Roden is a current MAPW student at KSU. She is a published poet and aspiring documentary filmmaker. After she gets some film experience under her belt, Nya would love to teach a humanities class here at KSU.

5_Narrative_Selective Amnesia by Maxfield Anderson & Marco Castaneda |8:22| PG-13

A mentally destroyed woman confides in her drug dealer about her partner's constant abuse.

My name is Maxfield Anderson, and I am a senior year Media and Entertainment student! I have always had an intense passion for film and pursuing this major really helped me develop the skills to create my own work. I love to shoot, direct, act, and write films, and I see this as the best way to express myself creatively while telling impactful stories. This film was my first real attempt to write, direct, and act in the same project and really try to bring something cool to life. I really hope that this film appeals to a diverse audience and leaves a powerful impression on our viewers. 

My name is Marco Castaneda and I am a Media and Entertainment major. I've had a love for making and watching films ever since I was a little kid. Whether it's acting, directing, writing or editing, I've always made it my goal to tell stories through film. For the longest time in Kennesaw, I've always wanted to tackle directing and editing a narrative film, and thanks to my capstone class I was finally able to do that. I am proud of the film we made, and I hope audiences have a great experience watching it.

6_Micro Work_The Best Buds Program by Marco Castaneda, Grace McCullar, Creed Butler, Caroline Boland |39''| Rating: G

Pill aren't your buddy.   In this retro public service announcement, a student struggles to get rid of his addiction to his pills which is characterized in the form of the "Best Buds Program

Marco Castaneda

Grace McCullar

Creed Butler

We are four seniors at Kennesaw majoring in Media and Entertainment. We all have a love for telling stories through film, whether its through editing, directing, or screenwriting. We made this PSA not just for our class, but to also raise awareness about this serious issue. We hope audiences will both enjoy the PSA and have more awareness on the topic we covered.

7_Documentary_The Mysterious Case of Dan Cooper by Lucas Brown & Jake Jones | 5:22 | Rating: PG

When a flight becomes hijacked by a mysterious man, the fbi search for any clues to catch him

Lucas Brown is a senior studying media and entertainment at Kennesaw State University. In his spare time, he writes and directs many short films for various film festivals. His work began with screenwriting in KSU’s “For Film Sake” with the film “Empty House.” This film would win him and his co-director Noah Gaskin, the best screenplay award in 2022. 

His most recent film “Horn” has become a finalist at the Cobb International Film Festival and will premiere Thursday, May 16th.

8_Narrative_Breathe by Aiyana Williams-Brown |11:59| Rating: R

A young woman named Robin is still grieving the loss of her sibling. She is trying to get through the day but it's like she can't breathe.

My name is Aiyana. From a young age, I have loved making art, creating music, writing stories, etc. and it has pushed me to where I am today. I was inspired by animated movies from DreamWorks to Marvel Studios and dreamed of being part of a creative production one day. I have many career goals and aspirations but when I made a screenplay for my english class in my senior year of high school, I wanted to add film to my list. The learning curve and discovering how rewarding it is to be part of a creative project with other creative and supportive people has made me love and appreciate film over the years. This is the first short film I've ever made and I had a lot of fun. I had doubts of my own ability as a filmmaker during the process, but I'm glad I pushed myself to create this project. I had an amazing crew and support and I'm very thankful for their contribution because without them this wouldn't be possible.

9_Micro Work_LAST DAY ON EARTH by Evyn J. Barron | 3:00 | Rating: G

What would you do if it was your last day on Earth?

10_Narrative_Nothing's Real by Taylor Artavious Crawford | 05:00| Rating: PG

After suppressing his trauma for too long, Joseph takes the advice of his therapist and uses lucid dreaming to deal with his past.

Taylor Artavious Crawford: I was first introduced into film when I was a child. I went to the movie theater ever month, and I still remember being a child staying up late with my mom watching movies. I was always drain to psychological movies by people like Jordan Pee and Boots Riley. They make movies that make you think and that's what I want my films to be known for: something that teaches and makes you think.

11_Documentary_Signs of Self by Ethan Bryant |3:04| Rating: G

"Signs of Self" delves into a college student ’s views on astrology, exploring the nature of life and personal meaning.

12_Narrative_The Heist by Conor Kilkenny | 7:12 | Rating: PG-13

"Amateur criminals, Bud and Lou, plan out their next big score only to discover that their plan isn't as perfect as they thought." 

Conor Kilkenny is a 3rd year at Kennesaw State University, majoring in Media and Entertainment with a minor in Music and Entertainment Business. Born and raised in Savannah, GA, he has always had a deep appreciation for movies and the filmmaking process. When he first entered KSU, Conor started as a computer science major, thinking that making a career in the film industry wasn't realistic. However, after meeting people with a similar passion for movies and being able to be a part of several short film projects, he found his true calling in film any way he could. His time here at KSU has shown him, that when push comes to shove, you've got to do what you love, even if it's not a good idea. He made his debut short film in collaboration with For Film's Sake, the largest film club on campus, who, without their help, wouldn't have made this possible.

13_Documentary_The Beltline Effect by Maxfield Anderson | 4:42 | Rating: G

This documentary examines the negative effects that were a result of the BeltLine initiative in Atlanta. While the project did have many great benefits, it also helped contribute to a new stage of gentrification in Atlanta. Many were forced out of their homes as a result of mass property purchases and raised property taxes.

14_Narrative_That Place You Hate by Evyn J. Barron |5:07 | Rating: PG-13

In disjointed moments, a man's ordinary night spirals into darkness as he grapples with mundane tasks, exposing an internal battle that culminates in an unexpected tragedy.

15_Documentary_WHO ARE WE? by Marco Castaneda, Grace McCullar, Jake Jones, Kayla Simon |5:05| Rating: G

With one last project on the horizon, four college students from various backgrounds and ages reflect on their college career as it comes to a close.

We are four Media Entertainment students, with four different types of backgrounds and skills, who came together in an unexpected way for a class project. We soon realized how our strengths and weaknesses complimented each other so well, which helped elevate our work to a level we couldn't have achieved without each other. We are very proud of the work we accomplished together, and we can't wait to showcase it in front of audiences.

16_Narrative_The Dollhouse by Ethan Bryant |3:06| Rating: PG

In 'The Dollhouse,' a man struggles to pay rent while married to a plastic doll.

17_Narrative_Turbo Treadmill by Sebastian Soler |10:00| Rating: PG

Six racers compete on a turbulent treadmill in a race to the finish line…but an ulterior motive threatens everyone involved.

Sebastian Soler is a director, actor, writer, editor, animator, composer, and graphic designer from Snellville, GA. He began his acting career working as a background extra in Atlanta for several companies including Sony/Netflix, Warner Bros., Paramount Pictures, Apple TV, Marvel/Disney, and the CW Network, appearing in productions such as Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and Cobra Kai. He is currently majoring in Media and Entertainment, minoring in Music and Entertainment Business, and earning his certification at the Georgia Film Academy. Sebastian also works behind the scenes, as the Lead Editor for Finding Kate: Hawaii, a television miniseries that is being independently produced in Hawaii. He particularly enjoys directing films that are visually entertaining, yet impactful by exhibiting a unique new perspective.